Toftwood Social Club.




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Dereham Theatre Company - formerly The Dereham Operatics Society.



































A Guide to PROBUS Origins and History


The idea of a PROBUS club originated in 1965 in Welwyn Garden City Rotary Club and was intended to provide an environment in which PROfessional and BUSiness people (hence the name) could meet and socialise together.


Some joined following their departure from the Rotary Club, others were attracted directly by the benefits that the PROBUS club would provide.


The Seventies saw a vast expansion of the Clubs to the point where now, most areas of the country are covered by a local PROBUS Club.


Our Dereham and District Club was formed in 1976 and over these last 45 years has maintained a membership of some 25-40 retired and semi-retired business people from all walks of professional life.   


PROBUS has no central governance - it was established from the outset that each club would maintain its independence - but it has a central information centre, the role of which is to maintain communication between clubs, publishing a PROBUS Newsletter, a Club Handbook and providing standardised regalia.